Welcome to the heart of your home.


The perfect center for having late-night parties, breaking out in dance, and having a romantic date. Your kitchen should be the perfect place to kick back and relax as music is brought to life and dinner is served with the guests' selection of wine from a state-of-the-art built-in wine cooler. Whatever you imagine - we make it come true with our kitchens.

burned . black . anna

  • 100 + front

    More than 100 different front finishes in 3 price groups!

  • 50 + Handles

    50 + handle options included with your purchase at no add cost.

  • Handle-less

    Stainless Steel Channel, perfect solution for handle-less kitchen!

Mara . 435 sand beige

Ella 420 . Ella 434

lisa . black . polar white

mara . quartz . 446 . 436



